Saturday, March 15, 2008

And Now a Word From Our Sponsor...

It's hard to believe Brooklynn is only 2 weeks old. It feels like she's been here longer. Maybe that's because I don't have much sense of day or night anymore. I live my life by the "itzbeen". If you're not familiar with this handy device, check it out at Thanks to Auntie Kimberly for bringing us this new master we now serve.

While I was pregnant, I would ask questions like, "How will I know when I'm in labor", or "How will I know when to push", and I would always be told, "Oh, you'll know". Well, I'm happy to report that now I know.

The week started off with a lot of anticipation. Brooklynn was running late and both my birthday and anniversary were approaching. Both passed by with nothing to show but some false labor sensations. But then, all the anticipation that built up since last May started a new anticipation at 3:45 a.m. on March 1st.

This was the hardest thing I've ever done. I never said during the labor that I couldn't do this, but I definitely had thoughts of being content with this being our only child. The labor was just under 12 hours and we were so happy to have Brooklynn delivered at home in the presence of family and with Christopher "catching" her as she was born. "Catching" her was actually a bit misleading. Christopher was all set to catch her as I made my final push, but was soon instructed that Brooklynn wasn't going to just come out on her own, he was going to have to pull her out! As soon as he did, the midwife took her and placed her on my chest. She was finally here!

Since then, we've been blessed with smiles, cooing and lots of dirty diapers! I never realized people could function on such little sleep either! Our cat, Piggy, is still adjusting to our new family member. She'll walk up to Brooklynn and sniff her a little and then walk away. I think she's getting the impression that she's here to stay.

Many women say labor is a pain you soon forget. I don't think I'll quite forget it, but I am looking forward to adding to our family. Just give me a year (or two)!


Unknown said...

I'm glad I have been key in you all joining the clan of itzbeen users. It really is a wonderful device! Just watch the batteries. I think mine is about to need a change and that would just wreck the day if it went dead! :) Now that Rylen is on an EASY scheudule to remember, I use the timer for my own purposes! The timer that just keeps on giving... and tickin'.

As for the sleep... it will eventually come back as she finally sleeps through the night (keep in mind that means 5-6 hours and then eventually longer). And then when she has a fussy night, it is quite irritating not to get that full night sleep again! But their beautiful face makes it easier to swallow.

Finally, the labor pains will definitely become a distant memory... even more so than now. but I will say that seeing you in labor was a very nice reminder. HA! Still, Brooklyn's face gave me baby fever once again. And as Grandmommy has mentioned, we both have 5 more to go! HAHA!

Noelle said...

I'm glad you are doing well. I too thought this might be our only biological child...but I haven't ruled that out yet. I can't wait to meet her.