Nancy and I have gone back and forth on whether to find out if our baby is going to be a boy or girl. Earlier we thought it would be a good opportunity for Nancy to form a strong connection with the baby, especially considering our pregnancy history. Even after hearing the heartbeat, which was a huge milestone and a significant source of relief for us, Nancy still held a desire to know.
However, now feeling the baby move this past week and a half has seemed to subdue some of that curiosity and rekindled a desire of long as we can agree on how to decorate the baby's room for either a boy or girl.
We've got a couple ideas, but would love to hear from you all and either what you may have done yourselves or heard of others doing. Our midwife is holding off on our first ultrasound until after 24 weeks, so we still have some time to reconsider and change our minds if we want.
Needless to say, when I consider his/her life, this will end up being one of the eaiser decisions to make for our little "Clark2B"!